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Egrimm Van Horstmann.7921

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  1. In Bitterfrost, my revenant would accumulate 7 stacks of Torment randomly and even if cleansed it would still keep rebuilding the stacks of torment? I couldn't get rid of the stacks, seemed to happen around spiders and griffins
  2. It has been my main since leaving wow during Pandaria. It may become a second given an injury and the time I had to play other games due to medical problems. There are a lot of positives to the game, no monthly sub and fairly simple abilities. Where I struggle is that it's feeling aged, and there are other games that have brought fun back to gaming. Also not enjoying the effect on hardware, seems to be pretty rough on my PC that can handle other titles quite easily with no problems.
  3. Originally turrets were great bunker down skills. You could rely on them when things got tough. Then Lake Dorrek META happened, engineer's bunker down was able to just sit there in the centaur camp and farm leather like crazy. Basically Anet nerfed the turrets, they're now meant to be used as disposable wares with none of their original flare or design intact. It would be nice to have them move or just be an extension of the engineer like a servo arm or the like. They get destroyed by a strong sneeze anymore.
  4. I find on warrior elite skills are generally trash. They feel as though their lacking the punch of what an elite skill should be. For instance Juggernaut, it completely takes away all your utility skills and survivability. Any time I've used it, would have been better to have the sigil. Banner is probably the only one of the elite skills that is reliably useful for solo content. Just curious if I'm the only one who feels this way about the state of warriors elite skills.
  5. It depends on the game mode, that said the one I find super useful in general is scourge minion master. I'm a rolling tank most of the time and can down most things with ease. Staff/ Scepter, torch. With Plaguebearer set it really shines, however for exotics it's easily usable with a shaman set. You can dish out damage and take it.
  6. Not sure why they give the special action one time and then don't give it at all on the (Valor Essence). I have yet to have it's special action ability proc once. Then there's masteries that won't proc against certain mobs at all? Champion Kodon max Valor and yet not one proc of the ability. Red one finally maxed yet it wouldn't proc at all either. Finally did on a couple shamans but never the champion. It's not in the description so I have no idea why it's soo random with special action.
  7. For those who are unaware the basic guild cape also now has dye channels. I like the cape and it's not the first thing I've bought off the TP.
  8. I was playing in game and have noticed in some zones you're completely locked in combat for extended periods of time. I would like to see a get out of dodge style action. 2-5 min cooldown would helpful if you need a breather or take care of something for a min. Just wondering how many would like the option.
  9. Orcs is a very odd ask, there are many races within the game that should get priority.
  10. Windy Station is probably the hardest part of the puzzle, if you can get your hands on a position rewinder from Sandswept Isles it allows a mes rewind with any type of profession, which on JP's is really helpful.
  11. Tab target can pick the closest mob, yet autotarget always picks the target out of range and farthest away? In the Labrynth when I'm surrounded by mobs it always picks the one out of range and out of sight. This wasn't how it worked three or four years ago can we please get a fix on this poorly performing part of the interface.
  12. In the newest LS the created mobs have either massive barrier (as large as half health of a Veteran mob) and healing Monk or Abyssal Specter multiple stacking AOE drops that rapidly stack Torment, Burning, and Confusion (the highest damage conditions no less than 4 stacks on initial hit). Add to this they have easily four to eight adds that are generated in the fight with varying degrees of above ability including knockdown, imob, and so on. Do you feel they are adequately scaled or overtuned to all professions, ie. Engineer, Ranger, and so on? Sorry can't add questions and can't delete it, please can Anet remove this.
  13. I have completed that and to be honest it does seem to take a long time to start, easiest way if I remember is just stick around the big circle with all the other undead. When the giant spawns follow it around until the Willowdread starts fighting it, until that point the giant is invulnerable. The biggest challenge is getting the event early otherwise it's like the clockwork knight in LD, you'll never be able to make up the difference in health fast enough.
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