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  1. Quick question, if i buy the ultimate edition of the new exac, when do i get the gems? Now or when the expac releases? Thanks.
  2. You will still be able to get the egg from the meta. just ignore the vendor.
  3. I never join group that ask for a specific thing, FAST, DPS, Super Condi or whatever, because most likely are elitist, and if someone asked to ping gear my reply wont be pretty 😄 I did the strike mission on the first try without knowing the mechanics and no one complained, so Im guessing it might be that in the timezone you are playing its harder to find people willing to help. In general as long as you know how to dodge and break the defiance bar there shouldnt be a problem IMO.
  4. When i go to a meta in DE i turn all graphics down. Much more dps is not like im going to sightseeing
  5. Well.... because some people only have a few hours to play, and given that the meta takes at least 2 hours, and even more if you "organize" it maybe? Not everyone can spend 4+ hours playing the game. And when you manage to get in a not dead instance to do meta and it still fails you wasted the only few hours you had to play, that makes people mad. So yeah, I agree with the recent changes... the elitists raiders can still keep their meta, and casuals can grind to get it. If the meta is so fun as you say im sure you will have no problem completing it.
  6. I just found out they will make a change, so in a few days they egg will be available in a vendor.
  7. Thats right, there is no need to change the difficulty, they just need to remove the turtle from the meta.
  8. Im not keeping count but i estimate i did around 10 already, all fails obviously.
  9. Hmmm no, usually all groups are full and you either spend 30 minutes clicking join until you can join, or give up and play in a map that will fail. And in both cases for me it failed, either by joining a group after endless clicking or just giving up and playing in the map i was randomly placed. FREE THE TURTLE FROM THE META.
  10. I've already lost count of how many times the group i was in failed, and thats when the commander not vanish in the middle of the event.
  11. Like i have said many times already, the difficulty is not the issue, the issue is the turtle being locked by completing it.
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