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Derm.4932's Achievements

  1. Would make it worse. Projectile is too slow. You'd have to predict where they'll be ahead of time and auto targetted skills aren't really good at that. D shot clunkiness has been discussed many times already tho. The cast time increase to .75s made the skill a joke.
  2. The people who are going out of their way to purchase and use niche consumables to make up for the lack of CC aren't the ones who don't know how to CC. Consumables are there to make up for OTHERS failure to CC, not yours. CC is a group effort, you cannot solo most breakbars unless you spam consumables. You need to convince the people who weren't ccing before to pull their weight, not the ones who were already going out of their way to ensure breakbars.
  3. First they remove KP making it harder to filter out people who don't know how to CC. Then they remove the means of which to carry players who don't know how to CC. Classic Anet. Heres an idea: how about actually doing a good job of teaching your players how to play so we wouldn't need to carry them with cheese like this
  4. Honestly I don't see the point in these discussions anymore. It is abundantly clear that they have no intention of re-instituting KP. It has never been compatible with their stance on "accessibility", and any feedback, no matter however logical or reasonable will not change their minds. People who want to clear fractals in a way that requires more competence than your average title only group need to bite the bullet and move to killproof.me. You can't fake KP there and it's more resistant to any changes Anet makes in the future. If it becomes mainstream it would only be a matter of time until someone makes a simple overlay that takes the inconvenience of using the site out of the picture.
  5. So much logical fallacy here...Core Guard was the only semi viable build left that did OK damage and didn't act as a sitting duck on the node. NOW you will see much much more bunker guards that do no damage and are a pain to kill. Enjoy! even full bunker guard is more engaging than spamming symbols lmao. doesn't really matter tho. your assertion that we will see a bunker guard epidemic is just straight up false. its a trash build for trash players that won't go anywhere, especially now that they lost significant counter pressure and sustain with writ nerf. That 'trash' symbol bunker was the only semi-viable build before nerf. Please tell me, what is not a brainless build then? Spamming traps? i'm not about to argue with someone who thinks meditrapper/old core guard is on the same level of braindead as symbol spam. really not surprised you play symbol guard How can you make assumptions on what I play or used to play? Also, what makes you think I'm talking about meditrapper and not full trap trapper rune dh, or any other trap dh version? Please, get your facts straight before assuming anything. Thanks. your question was rhetorical. it wouldn't have mattered what I said because you actually believe symbol spam guard is not braindead. but since you insist that you were actually talking about full trapper dh, let me answer your question meditrapper/old core guard
  6. So much logical fallacy here...Core Guard was the only semi viable build left that did OK damage and didn't act as a sitting duck on the node. NOW you will see much much more bunker guards that do no damage and are a pain to kill. Enjoy! even full bunker guard is more engaging than spamming symbols lmao. doesn't really matter tho. your assertion that we will see a bunker guard epidemic is just straight up false. its a trash build for trash players that won't go anywhere, especially now that they lost significant counter pressure and sustain with writ nerf. That 'trash' symbol bunker was the only semi-viable build before nerf. Please tell me, what is not a brainless build then? Spamming traps? i'm not about to argue with someone who thinks meditrapper/old core guard is on the same level of braindead as symbol spam. really not surprised you play symbol guard
  7. So much logical fallacy here...Core Guard was the only semi viable build left that did OK damage and didn't act as a sitting duck on the node. NOW you will see much much more bunker guards that do no damage and are a pain to kill. Enjoy! even full bunker guard is more engaging than spamming symbols lmao. doesn't really matter tho. your assertion that we will see a bunker guard epidemic is just straight up false. its a trash build for trash players that won't go anywhere, especially now that they lost significant counter pressure and sustain with writ nerf.
  8. Symbol based gameplay is extremely low skill and unengaging. Very glad they nerfed this trait. Now they just need to bring back core guard and DH
  9. You can technically bench within 90% of golem benchmark of scepter, but your burst is considerably lower which will translate to less damage in fractals. The rotation is also heavily greatsword dependent which is important because people who want to use LB for the looks/feel/theme tend to camp LB which will result in significant damage loss.
  10. Trying to remove KP is going to backfire hilariously. Even in the event that Anet removes all forms of KP, people will simply use Skorvald or some other encounter as a trial boss. Don't perform to expectations? Kicked. I don't see how that is any less toxic than simply "you don't have enough kp, sorry." At the end of the day, KP isn't a gatekeeping tool - it's matchmaking tool. You use it to set expectations. 250KP group? Probably seeking more experienced players. 50KP group? Fine with casual play. Removing this is only going to result in more scenarios where players who have clearly different expectations are matched, resulting in toxicity. Not fun for casuals nor for hardcore players. Regardless, KP always finds a way, even if people have to resort to exotic solutions like killproof.me or trial boss runs as listed above
  11. People have been asking for years. The only noteworthy thing they did was add the knockback baseline into LB3 followed by tripling the cast time making it even worse than before.
  12. Same issue and ive ran into some other people who also had the same problem craft one weapon and you stop getting them as drops ive ran 5 or 6 gold strikes now after making the focus and have not gotten anything same
  13. Was hoping for LB3 cast time reduction. PepeHands
  14. Because skills that require adrenaline are the only big damage skills right? Did you even bother reading the quote? How can you be this obtuse. They literally spelled out what skills meet this criteria. That is literally true shot lmao. It deals a lot of damage and not much else. Can't get much clearer than this. By your logic, why don't we nerf Rev Hammer CoR by 30%? I mean, it received ZERO nerfs to it's coefficient during the last big patch. Who cares that they more than doubled it's cooldown, that's completely irrelevant.
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