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  1. Anet has always had garbage servers from day 1 for wvw. I do not think anet could foresee the potential lag issues with so many players or they were just winging it to see what would happen, a bit like most projects Anet do for wvw. Where Anet went wrong is they never fixed the problem despite sooooo many countless complaints over the years from wvw players. But the recent lag is soo much worst for EU across all the servers and not just for 3 way blob fights. Its the type of "lag" that rubberbands you, instead of the occasional lag spike but the rubberbanding continues for the entire fight even after it and sometimes with no fight. Before you may get rubberbanding but only for a few minutes and then it would catch up and go back to normal. Also before we would get skill lag but sometimes we get no skills working, people even complaining about dodge and 111 not even working which was not the case in the past with "normal skill lag". I think I read somewhere the servers for EU have been "downgraded", something to do with letting Amazon handle the servers now but dont know the full details on that. So maybe EU players have to connect even further away but the flip side is NA servers will get a more stable connection or not. It probably explains why most of the complaints are coming from EU players. Anet knows this but they will handle it like everything related to wvw by doing nothing. Nothing because the company is clearly downscaling everything to save money (layoffs), next server quality and with broken promises for wvw. In all honesty at this point in the game, over so many years old school players do not really expect anything different from anet but always hope for change. I guess the best way to look at the entire situation is Anet is like a shop that is having a closing down sale. The difference is the closing down sale has been going on for years and the shop (Anet) will not close down because it still has loyal customers that keep its profits just above to keep it in business. But the shop has to make layoffs to good staff members and sacrifice quality to give what the masses want to stay a float. Usually a product that is more expensive than its worth and the customer looses interest in fast and leaves the customer wanting more of that shallow instance gratification to throw a credit card at (Cash Cow). I would like my mind to be changed though.
  2. Anet has always had garbage servers from day 1 for wvw. I do not think anet could foresee the potential lag issues with so many players or they were just winging it to see what would happen, a bit like most projects Anet do for wvw. Where Anet went wrong is they never fixed the problem despite soo many complaints over the years. But the recent lag is soo much worst for EU across all the servers and not just for 3 way blob fights. Its the type of "lag" that rubberbands you, instead of the occasional lag spike but the rubberbanding continues for the entire fight even after it and sometimes with no fight. Before you may get rubberbanding but only for a few minutes and then it would catch up and go back to normal. Also before we would get skill lag but now we get no skills working, people even complaining about dodge and 111 not even working which was not the case in the past with "normal skill lag". I think I read somewhere the servers for EU have been "downgraded", something to do with letting Amazon handle the servers now. So EU players have to connect even further away but the flip side is NA servers will get a more stable connection. It probably explains why most of the complaints are coming from EU players. Anet knows this but they will handle it like everything related to wvw by doing nothing. Nothing because the company is clearly downscaling everything to save money (layoffs), next server quality and with broken promises for wvw. It all honesty at this point in the game over so many years, old school players do not really expect anything different from anet but always hope for change. I guess the best way to look at the entire situation is Anet is like a shop that is having a closing down sale. The difference is the closing down sale has been going on for years and the shop (Anet) will not close down because it still has loyal customers that keep its profits just above to keep it in business. But the shop has to make layoffs to good staff members and sacrifice quality to give what the masses want. Usually a product that is more expensive than its worth and the customer looses interest in fast and leaves the customer wanting more of that shallow instance gratification to throw a credit card at (Cash Cow).
  3. I dont understand it either, how can Kodash be full and still can only have one map filled with people, and sometimes not even that. How are these Full/High calculations done? i think its because Kodash and Piken can have one map full on their own that they are not linked. for perspective even linked servers can barely have a map full at reset. so just one server having a map full without any linking is impressive to me. That is the problem your impressed by it, its not impressive at all, its sad. If you been playing the wvw as your main game mode or only game mode for many years and seen how alive wvw was and now how dead wvw has become, man its just sad. Merge the servers, remove tier 5 like some have suggested. Make is so you have less servers with all links. This is not gw2 wvw the first 2-3 years anymore Anet. Anet listen for once to the people who made your game a success, the wvw community, the ones still left that are trying to keep the game mode alive. WvW is the game mode that people originally flocked to and created huge communities on because you offered something different compared to other mmo's at the time, wvw and a amazing combat system for a mmo style game. Its the reason why so much of the community has left, you neglected wvw, the game mode that made your game stand out from the others. If you saying that link servers are doing worst compared to non linked servers, we have a problem.
  4. This is a good copy pasta for a certain popular streamer. Feel like a troll post reading it but if you serious, maybe your comment was posted in the wrong part of the forum because a lot of the stuff you vaguely quoting seem completely detached from the conversation that is actually going on and the things you said has helped NO ONE......You honestly sound more frustrated than anyone else. Great you stayed on one server since 2012, great that you grown up, good job you never "bandwagoned" and for having a strong mind but all of that said has literally added NOTHING to the conversation, nothing of use. Its like you miss the point completely what many people from Piken have been saying and made some rubbish up on the spot. Instead give a solution to the other peoples problem that might add some worth to the conversation.
  5. Piken server with no link server now and after 6 months of getting two dead servers BT and to some extent FoW rince repeat, this is the worst decision made. From someone who plays WvW as their main game mode, play nearly every night primetime and late evenings, seeing the server struggle with coverage and numbers over the past 6-7 months I have a good idea what is going on. Also I have been transferring to each link server since December last year, since mid-end of January been transferring to stay with my guild/friends there also. Piken is never open, reads as full and now I can not even transfer despite how expensive its becoming. Piken server is dying slowly and has been since February and yet it reads full. Your system for recording server pop is probably recording all the alt accounts, weekend warriors, daily hunters and part timers that do not make up the core group of the wvw pop. We spike a bit on reset/weekend like most servers and then back to low pop through out the week. I am sure other servers have similar problems and the old system of recording pop clearly does not work anymore and the steps towards making change anet is doing are good but make is so people can transfer if you remove a link server that the person has been relying on stay linked with a main server or just make all servers have a link server, simple.
  6. Just got egged as well Build: 90556Error Code: 1004:6:2126
  7. I think is will breath fresh air into WvW and its always nice to see major attention given to the game mode. My only concern is for players who play WvW regularly or as their only game mode but can not commit to guilds due to real life commitments or can not play at primetime (which most WvW guilds require) or are on the night cap team or roamers. A lot players are hardcore and only play WvW but are solo guild (bank) players or small groups/guilds that join tag/TS/Discord and would like to stick with the community they are with at present because it suits their needs. The alliance system looks like this would solve the problem and keep communities together as long as its not too strict and its flexible for the amount of guilds that can alliance. An example would be guild A 50 players, guild B 30 players, guild C 20 players, guild D 15 players, guild E 5 players, guild F 2 players, guild G-Z 1 player. If the example is possible, flexibility with guild amounts in the alliance system to allow many guilds of lower number or solo hardcore WvW players to alliance with each other, I can see the system could work. The example above will keep communities together and players that regularly play together but not necessarily in one of the main WvW server guilds, if you see my point. If not then a lot of hardcore WvW solo guild players, small groups/guilds and roamers who join the community TS/Discord and join tag will be screwed and we will end up forced into communities we don't know, are not friendly with, not committed to and may eventually stop playing with for 8 weeks because we will end up stuck in a rut. You could maybe argue the point to transfer to the alliance/community with the players you want to play with for 8 weeks but again there is limitations on that with population being fulls etc and paying to transfer will be forced onto players in this situation that has already been forced into the previous situation mentioned above. Players who get screwed will be double screwed with a pay wall every 8 weeks ££££$$$$$.
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