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Weindrasi.3805's Achievements

  1. Complete revamp of character creation/customization with tons of new options--body types, scars and injuries, age, voice customization, ect. I want to make a ratty looking, emaciated charr with a bald tail, scars everywhere, and Flame Legion horns..... and a lady norn who is both smaller-chested and more heavily muscled then our current options.... and fat old human mages. That'd be fun.
  2. I agree, I hate that sort of thing. I just eye-roll and move on when I see it in town--every MMO has it.
  3. Can't believe this has to be said but.... heterosexual men aren't the only humans with a sex drive. Hetero women and gay men like sexy stuff too.
  4. You need more categories then "yes" and "no" For me... yes but not because I want my character to look "sexy" Revealing armor looks good on charr, because it looks primitive and shows the fur patterns. And, although I have no personal interest in making a "sexy" character, I approve of the message being sent by offering the same sexy gear to male and female characters. I've been a female gamer for a couple decades, and the "woman gets bikini, man gets full plate" nonsense needs to be done away with.
  5. I'm really glad the bikini armor is the same skin for males and females. I have no issue with sexy gear by itself--but I DO have an issue when ONLY females are sexualized. Armor like this gives the best of both worlds--people who want battle-bikini-babes can have their skin, AND it's done in a way that isn't demeaning.
  6. Eh. I'd just ignore them. I'll do the basic "no mounts, no opening doors before commander, no knockbacks" politeness, but if a commander demands anything as specific as 'remove all trinkets or else' I just quit reading chat. If they rage-quit and leave, another less-touchy commander will tag up within 2 minutes. So... *shrug*
  7. Dude, beefy charr and male norn look hilarious in maid outfit and I love it. Plus, many people DO have androgynous or trans characters. PLUS, if the butler outfit is available for both genders (as it should be) then it would be weird and phobic not to make the opposite true. If women can "dress like a man" and have it be perfectly acceptable, then men should also be able to "dress like a woman" and be accepted. The automatic -that's stupid- or -that's icky- response is culturally ingrained, and originates from the idea that it's shameful for a man to show feminine traits. Time for society to move beyond that, IMO
  8. I think your personal biases are coloring your view of things. A LOT.
  9. Try the GW2 comic run by https://ruderubicante.tumblr.com/.
  10. I mean... literally ALL OF IT is stuff they just "completely made up." That's.... kind of the definition of a fantasy game xD
  11. Actually Daphne from Scooby Doo was originally a clever detective. She used the "pretty girl" image as cover to spy, and also to help her friends escape when captured. The idea behind her was to show kids that the traditional "girly-girl" could be a strong character too. Mind you, some modern Scooby-Doo remakes lost sight of Daphne's original intent and casted her as the "unintelligent pretty girl," but honestly that's just misogyny in action. I'm not saying Kasmeer is perfect--as some others have pointed out, I don't like the "Barbiedoll" aesthetic she and most other human females are forced to have in GW2... but her character and personality are pretty solid. She obviously doesn't just "look pretty"
  12. I like Kasmeer just fine. She's neither my favorite nor my least-favorite character. Different people are drawn to different personality types. It would be silly to "eject her from DW" just because she isn't everyone's cup of tea. If we're ejecting characters from DW on that basis, DW would no longer exist because EVERY character has its fans and haters.
  13. The new elf ears item gives charr a new set of horns. The horns look cool, especially since their color changes according to the charr's fur color. Could we get these horns in the makeover kit, please? Both the version with and without jewelry? I'd like to be able to adjust their size and use them independent of the ear skin.
  14. I actually do like the new horn skin given to charr--but I hope they add it as a selectable horn option in the makeover kit, where you can adjust the size.
  15. I detest crafting. To those who also detest it: there is now Monastery Armor up for sale on the trading post. I bought myself the set---one piece unlocks that skin for light, medium, and heavy. Last I checked it was 30-40g a piece.
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