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Burn.5021's Achievements

  1. Transfer NOW if you still need/want to!Everyone else are already here.
  2. If you guys haven't found a crew to hook up with yet, how do you feel about transferring ?
  3. Have you found a home yet ?
  4. How do you guys feel about World v World ?
  5. "Healing Power is a secondary attribute that improves all healing performed by the character, including healing from skills, traits, the regeneration boon, and certain other effects."Total healing = source-specific base healing + Healing Power * source-specific scaling factor "Healing is a gameplay mechanic for replenishing the health of a character or NPC.""Healing scales linearly with healing power depending on the source. For example, each point of Healing Power adds 0.125 healing towards Regeneration." This is why some runes have Healing and others Healing Power, with Healing obviously being more direct.
  6. Which region and server do you currently play on?
  7. Keep in mind that there is a significant difference between Healing and Healing Power.
  8. Re-links have actually very little to do with world balance. The algorithm used is beyond flawed and allowing transfers directly after re-links make them entirely redundant as it just cause unbalance again. How is it possible for Blacktide to be a "Medium" population server when it is clearly dead? How on earth can "Full" servers be linked when they are already suppose to be full? Are we being lied to about server populations? It won't surprise me if re-links are changed to a monthly schedule - more transfers, more revenue - WHOOHOOOO $$$$$! But where is the next expansion? It has been more than a year and a half already. It is time for the community to smell the tasty coffee!
  9. Also, "active playhours" is a highly flawed metric to base populations on as it does not account for activity. You can easily afk for 1000 hours on 10 alt accounts using multiboxing to completely throw off your comparisons that only contributes more unbalance. It is also common sense that relinking is meaningless when players are allowed to transfer directly after just to cause unbalance again.
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