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Thobek.1730's Achievements

  1. When I first turned up and saw that HUGE sequoia stump I was like "Yes! finally a deep forest". I see Verdant Brink like the Amazon, overgrown and chaotic. What I wanted now was to see is a forest of giants. I think they could of gone further with this and made the trees hundreds of feet tall (like the Bitterfrost but without the snow). You have this amazing world, you just need to push it further, bigger, higher. I still love this zone, I think it looks incredible!!
  2. No way. I'm a spoiled child and I'm used to the voice acting. I miss it. Because it allows me to look around and adsorb the environment without having to just stare at the dialogue boxes. Look forward to hearing the excellent voice acting team back in action.
  3. When do people run the Dragon's Stand event? its always dead now when I go there. I was doing it at 20:30 BST last night, map was actually so full after the start of the event it took me 10-15 minutes to rejoin my squad. Have seen it pretty full a lot of the time. Are you going in at the right times? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Event_timers I do use something similar to that but even when it was part of the daily achieves it was dead. I normally do the first Teq, and Evolved Jungle Wurm because I know they have good guilds involved in organising the event. I'll keep looking, its good to know that event hasn't died off because of the amount of people needed to complete it.
  4. When do people run the Dragon's Stand event? its always dead now when I go there.
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