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  1. I'm an ele main, i do have three mesmers (doesn't mean I'm good at it) but I don't know if the devs are actually watching these threads, so if you go to other websites and tag them with a link to the discussions then at the very least you will know that they are aware of the displeasure. lead the charge into the battle like a charr.
  2. and what would boycotting a subscription free game achieve. not playing will not hurt their wallets like a boycott is supposed to do. I have three of each class, so I have tried every class, every spec, every way of playing each classes. my main is still ele. just because the devs have favorites does not mean you should just give up on a class that has been apart of the series since the first guild wars. and switching classes will just mean that they will switch to another class to nerf into oblivion. fighting is the only option
  3. some one is not an ele main. look we who play/have played ele for a long time know everything you're saying. not only have we seen it, but we have lived it. we have seen our favorite class get beaten down each "balance update". but guess what, it's toxic thinking like yours "Oh just change class" that will make sure ele stays dead. knock it off. I have mained ele since I started playing in 2012. and I will continue to play ele and I will continue to make a fuss about this. because changing class is NOT THE ANSWER. I will stand and fight for the class I love
  4. I've been debating on tagging @Rubi_ on twitter (the Content Marketing Strategist that hosts the guild chats on twitch) and see if she could get the forums to the right devs
  5. I was never a real big fan of the catalyst to begin with. to me it felt like core ele with a shiny bauble. the rotation was wonky and left no room for error, and boy did it punish you if you got it wrong. but once I got the hang of it it wasn't bad, I still prefer weaver, but at least I could see it as a viable option. but this update has killed it, and I usually don't say stuff like this. I've mained ele since I got GW2 the Christmas after launch. I've stuck through a lot with my ele. but now I'm seriously thinking about changing my main, because this is a blatant display of hate for one of their own creations, because it was doing good under absolutely perfect circumstances. and I doubt that the devs would listen to us about this. it's honestly sad.
  6. i think the main reason we are just complaining in this thread is because the devs won't listen to us. I doubt any of them have actually looked at this thread. if they did the catalyst would not have been what it was, even at launch.
  7. update, running with aura traits as catalyst is still wonky. catalyst is dead to me
  8. I think the main thing that needs to happen is that the dev team needs to ACTUALLY LISTEN TO THE PLAYERS instead of looking at numbers. I mean seriously, they gave us the hardest/wonkiest rotation and said "too easy, nerf". I'm going to give catalysts aura traits one more try (but I doubt it'll work as well as tempest) before I hang up catalyst entirely and debate on whether or not I want to continue even playing ele in the first place. why does arena net hate us eles so much 😿
  9. I had high hopes for this elite spec, but it honestly just ended up being a disappointment. -First things, this spec feels rushed and was done at the last minute, it doesn't feel complete even now. It feels like there should be more to this spec. -Second, another melee spec for the squishiest class in the game is just insulting. especially when there isn't many good ways to survive while using this spec. You're better off going weaver if you want melee. -Third the hammer sucks, the only reason I can see its inclusion for this spec is that it has at least two finishers per attunment, every other weapon in the game works better. Make it pure mid range please. -Fourth this spec doesn't mesh well with any other trait line but arcane and air, every other line only works for the auras traits in my opinion. yeah there's the boon traits for the other trait lines but there's not enough to justify using them. -Fifth the jade sphere is clunky and doesn't last nearly long enough, the jade sphere should be like the scrappers gyros and stick with the character. Or turn it into a shroud that pulses boons per second based on your attunment. -Sixth the augment abilities are lackluster, the only real good one is relentless fire. soothing water is just a worse version of Ether Renewal. Fortified Earth is just a longer version of Immutable Stone. Shattering ice is not bad, just the chill should be replaced with slow, vulnerability or bleed. Invigorating air is only really good for the stun break, if you want supers peed take air trait line. and the worse offender is Elemental Celerity, not enough use for as long as a recharge time as it has, it would be better if it reduced the recharge of our slot skills not weapon skills. -Seventh, if I wanted to play an auramancer I'd play a tempest. Instead of auras this spec should deal with barrier. Or instead of having two percent damage reduction from hardened auras it grants barrier. barrier is more useful to a class with such low health. This spec was supposed to make eles feel mystic and powerful. The only thing I feel is fragile while being a catalyst.
  10. unfortunately yeah, we only get charr expletives like "burn me", "blood of the khan-ur" or calling people mice. but that's the extent we get, nothing that even hints at the charr's language.
  11. there is a lot of inconsistencies in the lore, especially if you look at GW1 and GW2 together. And a good portion of the lore is hidden so you really have to hunt for it. Or hidden by class/race requirements depending on what you're looking for. I like it because it gives us room to speculate while alloying us to pick and choose what theories are true. But it is also annoying that there is no definitive answer about certain things that should. Or the answer is so well hidden that only the most devoted of lore seekers would find them. And as much as I love GW2 I don't have the time or patience to do everything with a character of every race/class. which is why I'm starting to post theories in the forums. Each interaction gives me more information or ideas to work with.
  12. The lore for the Guild wars games is bigger than what people think. It's one of the main reasons I've been playing since pretty much the launch of GW1.
  13. According to the languages of tyria wiki page, the common language is actually 11,000 years old. predating the human's arrival on tyria in 786 BE. Common was created by dwarves, jotun, Forgotten, mursaat, and Seers during the last cycle of elder dragons awakening. because they needed a way to communicate with each other. When the humans arrived the charr already spoke common as seen in GW1. BUUUUUUUUUUT I like your answer better
  14. Thank you, I feel that having Bangar say something like that would make him sound more hateful. That he would be so disgustingly casual about his racism could make him an even more memorable villain in my opinion.
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