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  1. My problem is:Without DPI: everything is so small i cant even read, even with UI scale set to max.With DPI: everything gets extremly big like HUGE ! the UI covers 70% of my screen, and i cant make it smaller.Thats on 4k so i gotta make the resolution lower on the game (which makes it annoying cuz when i need to alt-tab to another screen it takes a couple seconds cuz of the resize) i was really hoping the DPI scale could fix it, but having the skill bar being bigger than my own char is a no no.
  2. First as many people stated before, we didnt have mounts for year and yet map completition on core tyria was possible, yes mounts make it easier now but just as a quality of life, now you make it sound like this was a f2p game by saying "f2p players" which is a false statment, the correct and more accurate one would be "buy to play game" and "Free TRIAL players" this game by no means is mean to play f2p forever, you're going to be stuck on the trial forever, just because here we dont have a time based trial period, doesnt mean it is not a trial. On a side note, is not like you get a free month right after you buy pof you need to do your personal story and level the masteries (in order to unlock different ones) and buy them with actual gold....
  3. Omg ty so much! as a new player this was reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally helpful !
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