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SailorSpira.9371's Achievements

  1. Exploration Achievement Legendary Armorer "Soulbind 6 unique Legendary armor pieces" is not counting WvW Mistforged armors. Not sure if this is intentional and the information displaying is incorrect or if the achievement is bugged.
  2. I am on ADSL 1 and regularly have a connection speed of below 3 mbps. My PING normally sits arround the 250 -300 point. The only time I have issues is on larger fights, or when I try and play during NA Prime.You should not have any issues with havoc or roaming. If you playing during OCX then most of the people you will be playing will have fairly comparable PING's anyway.
  3. Also my guild is active but the guild leader has pretty much quit the game without having a replacement since last April. Is the guild leader required for making alliances with other guilds? Reform the guild. Get the active members who still play to create a new guild with a new guild leader and make that change now. Use that former guild for its buffs if you don't want to build up the new guilds buffs.Do you realize just how hideously expensive it is to upgrade a new guild hall? My guild has been maxed out for over a year now and it took a LOT of people to get it maxed out, decorated, etc.I would recommend getting the highest ranked active member of your guild to send a ticket to Anet asking to promote them to GL rank due to inactivity of the current rank holder.Or if you do go the second guild option you don't need to rep it or upgrade a guild hall, you just need it to be set to WvW for the purpose of alliances and continue to Rep your existing guild. That would only cost 1 gold.
  4. I see a lot of people complaining that hardcore WvW guilds are going to make massive alliances, but the reality is WvW focused guilds are some of the smallest guilds in the game. I'm sure you would be hard pressed too find a WvW focused guild (who run comps and coms and have set schedules) that could roster 50 unique players to select them as their WvW guild, once you take into account that most of these players would run 2-5 guilds. So the "Hardcore WvW Guilds" even at the speculated 5 guild max you would likely not get more 250 (I suspect a lot less) in such an alliance, which would be approximately 10-12% of a server. In addition most WvW focused guilds want some form of competitiveness, stacking into "mega alliance guilds" doesn't make sense. Most people I've spoken to in these types of guild have said they would want an alliance spread out across multiple time zones to help create a stable backbone of commanders for the communities they would be put in and accommodate their members in multiple guilds. How to avoid stacking has also been a topic of great discussion. The bigger population alliance are going to be made up of less organized, no requirement guilds, PvX guilds and community guilds. I believe this 500 - 1000 limit is more to allow for these type of players. It is going to take all types to players to make new servers and the new system work and I believe that Anet is trying to make a system that will prevent stacking as much as possible. Note: I still have concerns over how small guilds will fit into the Alliance system.
  5. My biggest concerns about this proposal are around smaller guilds, roamers and those who play in multiple time zones. I feel the smaller guys are forced to join bigger guilds to stay with the friends they like to play with, small guilds will probably be overlooked for alliances and those who play multiple time zones are forced to chose which is their "main" and will be guildless in the other time zones. I understand that those guilds can make an alliance, but I have a feeling most alliance will be time zone centric. Reading through can I please get clarification on:1) How many servers will there be? Will this be evolving or a constant?2) Will all servers be tried to balance at the same level or at rough tiers? I'd imagine with the EU language restrictions it will be more difficult to achieve that. And purely trivial side ponderances:1) Will this Pre-Generated server names be anything like to aweful PvP names or will they be more in line with traditional Server namings? Will there be new names every 8 weeks or the same names in circulation?2) Titles based on old servers, will this be a generic "server" veteran, or could we please have something unique and relevant to each server like "Mag Swag" or "BeastGate" something that actually represents the community. One of my guildies also suggested that those with frequent transfers should be "World Traveler".
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