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Tinker.1586's Achievements

  1. I dunno, I can't play warrior and attack people anymore haha even with 4 different stun breakers. Thief just got bullied out of any place in the mid fight which means they really are only useful for potential ganks and rotation which makes deadeye kinda shit compared to daredevil, and while I don't have as much issue on necro I still feel that this game right now has too much situations where I am sitting there and should just take my hands off the keyboard because with 4 people popping stuns on me repeatively I can't do anything. I think a stun decay mechanic could work to prevent people from building/stacking stuns, or just remove the amount of abilities that actually stun, and severly limit AOE stuns.
  2. I used to really enjoy PVP, I felt like it was a bite sized mode that let me have real agency over my builds and play style with out having to invest hours of my life gearing up. However after they made it so you could only Duo Que and now this meta of spamming interrupts I just... don't have fun. Its not a great feeling to sit here for 40 seconds watching your character get the kitten beat out of them while you can't do anything because even after 4 stun breakers your still sitting there unable to auto attack. I can't aggressively go after rangers anymore because both at range and upclose they can stun lock both my warrior and thief. I Can't play the game and the meta is making it so the other player cannot play the game. I miss the dance that this game used to promote of attacking, defending and dodging but now its litterally just about stunlocking and I just don't... have... fun. 2v2's alivated the issue due to the fact that it made it so there was less stuns going around but in 5v5 its unplayable and with 2v2 gone in all forums I just can't enjoy PVP I only play now to grind boxes and that pisses a lot of people off but honestly I just... cant be bothered.
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