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Nasty Nacho.5869

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  1. You can all add me as well if anyone needs a hand with anything. Always looking for extra friends B)
  2. You can just remember your dps will be much lower. Don't play a minion master in fractals/dungeons however in open world it is unstoppable, you can solo probably 95% of the HoT skill points without trouble just be careful with heavy toughness you run the risk of pulling agro off your minions making it pointless. (Carrion will be a better alternative)Do try to get vipers even if you start with the rings and accessories first. Can't really comment on support scourge but i found a pure condi scourge build has more than enough support in most groups.I'll mail you my builds later off to work now (It's just a modified SC build) and if you plan on having 2 armor sets might be better to get power set and condi set instead of condi set and support set. (unless you plan on using the support gear on a different toon)
  3. I enjoy it, mounts make it extremely fast and i often meet new players along the way that need advice or help, also tend to farm everything i see for $$$. Some hearts are a pain, most are just kill x a few times then move on events make them super fast. Take my time in maps with Iron and Platinum good money there if you stick around abit.Plus you sometimes get BL keys aswell B)
  4. "We Heal As One""We Heal As One""We Heal As One" All that for swiftness :# I'm sure in my dreams i was shouting it. Bless the six for mountsNot to fond of the Deadeye rifle sounds either can get annoying
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