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Archangel.6793's Achievements

  1. I have items that I flip on the TP. Some of them get outbid constantly, all day, all night, every day, by the exact same amount and for the exact same quantity every time. It's NOT a human using API to notify them about being outbid and manually updating. It's all the time. There's no way they could keep it up as long as I've seen it go on. It's a bot. Some of these items have only 3 total people competing to flip them. I should be getting ~1/2 of the orders, but instead I get ~2% of them due to the constant botting. Please fix the issue and find a way to ban TP botters. Botting hurts the rest of us who play legitimately. Also, there is no way to report them as botters as there is no way to track which account is doing it. But I am happy to provide details to anyone from ANet actually willing to look into this.
  2. @Devs,Any word on when we'll see a new set of legendary weapons? I've gotten all of the legendaries for my main class that I love. The rest look "meh" with the look I'm trying to build. Keep up the great work! Peace.
  3. Thanks! I cleared the cache. It works again. Still seeing this message a LOT more frequently than a month ago, however.
  4. I get "An error has occured." error every time I try to post something on the trading post. It's completely unusable. I've been getting this a lot more in the last week, but today it's 100% of the time.
  5. You can also apply all of the HoM unlocked skins in the wardrobe directly. So if you want to use the heritage armour skins you can apply them on your Charr without ever going to the HoM. They are free to apply and require no transmute tokens.
  6. Opened on May 24th... Still not fixed. All my toons but one have these buffs. Please fix.
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