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Bruticus Fatalfury.3486

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  1. if your looking for an SoR guild check out The Bold and the Brave(BnB) We are a havoc guild on SoR. We are small but have a close knit family style environment. We are very organized, use comms, and do a mixture of ppt and fights. We primarily rally during NA prime for wvw but have players on throughout the day in wvw.We also have guild hall and do weekly guild missions. If you have any questions feel free to pm me in game at Bruticus Fatalfury.3486
  2. Hi Sleepy, if your looking for an SoR guild check out The Bold and the Brave(BnB) We are a havoc guild on SoR. We are small but have a close knit family style environment. We are very organized, use comms, and do a mixture of ppt and fights. We primarily rally during NA prime for wvw but have players on throughout the day in wvw.We also have guild hall and do weekly guild missions. If you have any questions feel free to pm me in game at Bruticus Fatalfury.3486
  3. same issue was queued for green bl, queue popped, i hit travel and it re queued me
  4. with the release of EoD, the introduction of the turtle, and all the cut scenes involving water I was hoping for a water based bl
  5. Been awhile since I played rev but I did just notice that it was related to the trait line. I made some adjustments to correct it
  6. While in dragon stance(revenant) when I cast facet of elements it's giving me the swiftness buff but also adding stacks of torment to me so long as it is active. Is this something that has been recently added or is this a bug?
  7. Waited an hour in que tonight. Finally get into wvw on blue bl and got disconnected from the game due to skill lag. Seriously update your servers instead of working on a new expansion. This is the 4th week in a row this has happened.
  8. @Inculpatus cedo.9234 Ya I have done that so it's not a client issue. I also agree with videoboy.4162 it only happens on warclaw not any other mount. Happened again today at least a 1/2 dozen times
  9. @Jugglemonkey.8741 I don't rage quit . I adapt and overcome. It doesn't take a genius to copy a build they find on metabuilds and use it. It does however take some intelligence to create your own build to beat it, which I can say problem resolved @kash.9213 don't worry I have revised my build and it kills rangers quickly. Those of us who are smart and are vet wvw players find ways to adapt and overcome
  10. Every time I bring out my warclaw my camera shifts to a different direction instead of the direction I was heading. If i start moving the warclaw travels in a side wards direction to the point I have to come to a full stop in order to give the camera time to adjust back to normal so I can head the direction I initially intended to go. anyone else experiencing this issue?
  11. Rangers are the other class that need a nerf. Seriously how many times are you going to let a ranger immobile someone in a fight and then attempt to burst them down. I got in a small scale fight the other day and managed to clear immobile 3 times(as I run 3 condi clears) immediately followed by longbow 2 (ya i know it's longbow 2 by the damage output,the graphics, and the fact I played a ranger in wvw for 2 years) and still got immobilized 3 more times. I countered the longbow damage with a reflect but six immobilizes in 1 fight..ridiculous! ANET while you may have made some improvements to other classes, to balance the damage, how did these 2 classes simply go untouched? This game has been out now for 7 years and yet it still lacks balance and counter play like so many other MMOs have. Dear ANET..."C'MON MAN!" get it right already. Instead of worrying about developing a new expansion why don't you fix the things that are broken already first?
  12. Couldn't agree more. Thief is the class that needs a "balance"patch more than any other. Anet you claimed you totally nerfed all the "power"classes. I guess theif and ranger were the exceptions. Then due to the power nerf you forced us into a condi meta. Run with the blob and spam condis or cure condis. Pure garbage imo! This meta still requires no kind of player skill level and the game still lacks counterbalance. I will also let you in on a secret ANET. NOT everyone wants to run in a blob and spam skills. Some of us actually enjoy roaming and running in small havoc teams where player skill and knowledge of how to play their classes determine the outcome of the encounter.
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