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Latinkuro.9420's Achievements

  1. Here's my 2 cents on this willbender. It feels all wrong, here's why. 1 - The utilities and ultimate are mostly bare hand combat style, I keep thinking man, knuckle weapons would feel great here. 2 - There's one utility that takes movement control away from you, and feels mostly like another evade aka it feels like lazy design. 3 - Every time I use a willbender ability, I keep wanting knuckle weapons, they would feel a lot more right for this elite spec the way it is designed right now.
  2. Good day Anet, So I will try to be as polite as I possibly can be. I understand people complained about the gold cost when you released the griffon.but in all honesty, 250g is not that much.Yet, you listened and now for the skyscale, you decided to instead ask for a ton of RNG based account bound map currencies.That's fine and all, but at the very least give the players that have the gold the option to bypass the RNG currency farm.On top of that, that currency is RNG based, I hate that !!! I avoid your RNG gathering like the plague that it is. Now, if I want this mount I cannot avoid this plague you have created, because all goody a.net decided that indeed 250g is too much to ask for a mount.Well, to me those RNG account bound currencies are a much more unacceptable issue ! For two very important reasons: 1 - I don't have 8 hours a day to play the game and farm, I have a life, a job, and bunch of other stuff to do, and honestly that is not what I would call fun !2 - Those RNG based account bound currencies are a plague, a disease this game does NOT need ! That's it, I'm done !I will say this, this happens again I'm quitting this game, even though I love it so much ! EDIT: Also, why is this collection like 20 times longer than any mount collection before it ? like really WTF !!!
  3. I dispise time gates, I'm not a kid with infinite time to play games, I have a career, I have responsabilties and other things to take care off.and you blatantly insert a time gate to cap how much progress I can make when I actually have the time to play the game, because why ? just to annoy people !!!
  4. While in the underworld part of the 1st mission.skill 2 requires a target to work, there is nothing to target so I can't use the skill. essentially trapping me in an infinite gameplay loop.
  5. I sincerely hope so, regardless of what a handful of gambling addicts might believe.loot boxes have been a scurge on the entire gaming industry, it is time something was done about them for good. I've been a gamer for 30 years, I still remember when playing the game and beating hard content was what gated truly awesome rewards.slowly over the years it has all gone down hill little by little, I call this move the sly of hands magicians use. Keep the notion of "you can still earn it in-game", but put it behind a 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% drop chance.forcing almost any rational person that is NOT an addict gambler to grab their credit card just to avoid that cesspool. We've only gone down hill from there.Worse is, this generation accepts and sometimes wants that kind of cesspool in their games, gambling addicts in the making, chasing that adrenaline rush of getting that lucky drop !!!
  6. I usually don't even bother with gw2's version of super rare drops.Because I know the chance of something good dropping is like what 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001%I never get anything good when shitty RNG is involved.This is the reason, I only do things I can work towards, like precursor crafting (thank you for that btw) instead of relying on low probability RNG.I know some like it, but honestly, it disgusts me that we still have to rely on this shitty thing called RNG. For this event, it would be nice if the drop tables weren't full of crappy drops, and the chances for something good to drop wasn't0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001%
  7. I do agree that there's to much garbage in the drop tables.
  8. You did forget Dungeons ;) this would be a great way to bring back dungeons from the grave.Also, these week long events for bonus loot should've been a thing in GW2 for years now, better late than never I guess. NO NO NO do NOT do a JP week event for the love of Dwayna just DONT !I'm sorry for those that love them, but JP's are fine as they are, "a sorry lame excuse for content"If I want to play a platformer, I will go play one that was build for platforming like Mario or Megaman !!!!
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