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Aspen Tie.5084

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  1. Absolutely horrendous and beyond frustrating in PvP. less than 12k hp with zerk runes and no sustain. The added mobility ends up getting wasted trying to escape battle rather than stick on a target. The spec seems like it was thrown together last minute and is borderline comical. Can't think of one aspect of the spec that is actually fun in PvP.
  2. Isn't possible for players and guilds to create alliances right now?
  3. I am also experiencing very high latency making the game unplayable. I have never had any problems in the past (stable ping <50) but the last few days it is all over the place (consistent spikes to 1000+). My internet connection seems fine from what I can see.
  4. I agree with op - I think placements are a little silly too. Start everyone in the middle and fire it off. No questions of hidden mmr or alleged detrimental gains/losses during the ten placement matches. Everyone starts equal and moves from there.
  5. Hammer is high skill cap and hard to master; one can not just 'drop the hammer'. Simply trying it out will leave most players discouraged. As a result, posts like this pop up. The truth of the matter is, if played correctly, hammer can be competitive. However, because it does not net instant meta defining results it is cast to the wayside.
  6. I play power core medi guard in wvw (hammer - sword/shield). It is very strong at roaming and a good duelist. In zerg play, meta be damned, it's not rare for me to top dmg in a 30+ man raid. Glacial blow offers strong spike dmg and it generates downs. I like hammer and I make it work. No gripes on my part.
  7. I also think it should reveal enemies in stealth but, I also realize that this might be a little over kill. However, it would be cool if it revealed traps.
  8. I really like this idea. To spitball off of it, maybe add a trait in one of the wvw mastery lines that makes food/banners dropped harmful to enemy players if consumed/interacted. Even just a 2 minute debuff would be interesting.
  9. It's hilarious when I get a bm toxic whisper. I'm usually only upset when I can't whisper them back because they have blocked me :'(
  10. Having played Tera, I wholeheartedly agree with this. Not being able to bind dodge to right click is the only reason I do not use the action camera mode.
  11. I don't hate the skin - I bought it. However, it reminded me of something . If anyone has seen the live action ninja turtle movie from the 90s, you will know what I'm talking about. Warclaw? more like Rahzar.
  12. Keep downstate and implement a party damage debuff that scales with how big the party is. Why should a larger group be able to dish out more damage; it's unfair to the outnumbered party.
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