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StyxTBeuford.2071's Achievements

  1. Dude, people come into EoD Meta with EMP charges and still can't get the breakbars through. In fact, one of the biggest things that irks me about this meta is that it feels tailored to a bunch of players who HAVE done everything else in the game, who have those Icebrood Masteries. Someone coming into EoD cold, whether a new player or a returning player, wont have that mastery. I don't care how much the game teaches them to CC, the balance is just way off because they tailored the meta to apparently everyone having EMP charges. The issue here isn't lack of adequate priming or training, though I will say there is an obvious jump in difficulty between the meta and all of the story/open world content that comes before it. It's balance. It's a systemic issue indicated by bad win rates, long wait times, a map that conflicts free exploration and story with a ridiculously tight meta timer, and over lack of forethought and design on ANET's part. This isn't an issue of get gud.
  2. I had the same issue just now. There were green swords over one bot and I could not damage it at all.
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