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Elestrae.4927's Achievements

  1. There's a strange bug in GW2 that depending on your hardware and driver version, the lower you put your settings the more FPS drops you encounter. If your hardware can theoretically handle it, run the game in the highest settings you can. It worked for a load of people I spoke to.
  2. Well then again you have to question how capable that person is in that position. People have been asking for a ranged DPS elite spec for Ele since Weaver came out. Why not just confirm to what the majority of your community wants? There's no reason why they couldn't have made the Catalyst a bow wielding elite spec or even rifle maybe. Heck even short bow would have been ok at this point. I'm just not enjoying the Catalyst at all personally and I find the hammer handles like a wet noodle. I'll stick to my old Tempest/Weaver builds, at least we still got those.
  3. I'd love to see the Starborn Outfit and The Magic Carpet Glider pop back into rotation for a few days 🙂
  4. Can't say I've had any stuttering at all, I do still have the texture bugs from DX11 tho (textures not loading in as they should, weird glowy textures and black textures). One thing is pretty odd tho, I have a 1080Ti Titan and since I upgraded to the latest Nvidia drivers I've been having a LOT more texture issues than with the older drivers. And no, Windows upgrade won't do anything at all for GW2. It might be helpful if you list your specs maybe OT, never know if someone here spots an error somewhere or a hardware piece with known driver issues?
  5. Tried that ended up with temporary blindness due to all the uber bling! O_O But yeah PLEASE give us the option to hide the ugly effects... keep thinking the pet is sick or something...
  6. Would be lovely if the Jade Bot inventory remained on all the characters on your account. Sure you can toss the core and modules around on other characters, but having to go to those workbenches on my characters then tossing stuff into the bank and reslotting every time I want to play another characters is plain stupid. At this point I'm pretty much ignoring that stupid jade bot. I'd love for ANET to remove it from the game but that doesn't seem likely...
  7. Can't speak for anyone else but the moment I get the turtle achievement started I'm not doing this meta anymore at all. It's bloody horrible, every part of the fight is a cheap copy-paste from the Dragon's Stand fight but just done more lazily (in my opinion DS is still one of the best meta's in the game!). Also whoever thought that insane RNG was a good idea might need to be re-assigned to another part of GW2s future development...
  8. Still wish the spec weapon would be a bow/rifle and more ranged stuff. I don't like Ele melee it doesn't feel right at all.
  9. Renegade myself, Herald can be pretty strong too but I didn't overly enjoy the spec. Can't comment on the new one coming up because I missed the beta for that.
  10. It really doesn't matter much if you accidently got the wrong "stats" on Ascended armor and weapons because you can just throw in an Anthology of Heroes, 5 ectoplasm globs and the exotic signet with the stats you want instead in the Forge in LA. Personally I always use a Power-set on my Rev (Berserker) because the Condi rev isn't that good imo it lacks oomph. Oh and on a side note, there are ascended jewelry pieces you can change the stats from as well after you've gotten them, they can be earned in some of the LS maps, Bloodstone Fen comes to mind for a backpack and ring you can change stats from with an item you can get from the bloodstone vendor there.
  11. So after today's glorious patch I keep getting DCed every 15-30 minutes... Tried resetting router, checked all the settings but everything is good on my end. I also play other online games and I'm not experiencing any issues there. Are the servers just pooped or is there a bigger problem tied to the new patch?
  12. You know, none of these new characters can stand up to my all time favorite... Tybalt Leftpaw! Wish they'd somehow bring him back! :D
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