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PowderedToastMan.6354's Achievements

  1. Simply the BEST Community, Thank you so much for the Info and effort all, I will put it to the test, wish me luck! :P
  2. This is one thing that has NEVER changed, the best community bar none! Thank you guys, I am getting overwhelmed on my Elementalist, I so wish I could use my mid mouse keys as something other than zoom in and out, I start getting overwhelmed when I get to summoning my fire elementals and such, with Engineer, I get messed up when I get to all my tool belt skills. Has to be an easier way, have played WOW for years and never and issue, so hope I can get past with what may be a mental block of some kind, I so want to Love this game!
  3. Hi all, This will likely feel silly to so many but, I have been playing off and on since release but keep leaving why? due to being overwhelmed with skills/abilities. I start off great! 5 keys, then as I progress I start to loose it when I get in my 40s "level not age" although I am there as well! :P Can anyone help with the madness? any ideas or a different way of doing things to make it easier? Thanks so much,Toasty
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