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  1. Have the same issue, but it seems that some people in map chat don't have the issue. =/
  2. Seems more like the revive spell is broken, and doesn't rez players.
  3. Seems like if you buy either the Boots or the Gloves, it says the other is then sold out. I found the same issue.
  4. What part of taking away a part of legendary runes to make the new legendary relics do you have a hard time understanding? They are literally taking away a existing function, then replacing it will a new function, well saying; Oh, we are giving something for you to grind all over again for. ❤️ *tee hee* ❤️ It's just a bit of an FU to the player base that put in a lot of work for their Legendary gear.
  5. The update didn't make the skill better at all....
  6. What about fixing Bladeturn Requiem so it functionally does something again? 😞
  7. At lest I'm not alone in this issue. 😐
  8. Bots use default armor and physical appearance. Bots go on set paths and don't deviate from them at all. Bots stand still well fighting. Bots die fast and and don't use down skills. Names tend to be pretty generic. Bots don't respond to any attempt for team work. There are just so many give a ways. 😐
  9. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't report the same bots over and over, with every match.
  10. Just played a game of ranked with only 2 human players. One on each team. This is stupid as all hell!
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