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Anput.4620's Achievements

  1. You really need celestial gear for elemental is tbh. It's just too good. https://guildjen.com/celestial-fire-weaver-roaming-build/ This is the best and only real weaver build atm but celestial catalyst is just broken.
  2. Why are you literally killing the signet bunker build?
  3. Anput.4620


    nvm too short
  4. What, boonbeast has toptier sustain with perma regen and perma prot heals along with 2 heal skills. Bear stance isn't even really used unless condi. You can easilly just kite around and use the block while your health total goes back to full. This is my mains main build and has been for ages http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwEcEWosAWErj9wMxjay9VOgD-zRZYVBd0FEuY0xOjMlC9qC04BJM6dUNDA-e
  5. Did it increase the average skill level and quality of gameplay?
  6. To keep mobility in the same state if balance as pre mounts the mount actually needs to be nerfed even more, keep balance to professions, not items everyone has access too.
  7. Atleast it keeps old engagement balancing intact instead of making anything non-blob revolve around the damn thing. Any upgrade is still an upgrade the game wasn't balanced around fundamentally.
  8. Wait someone on this forum is actually using the term ganker correctly. Wierd. Also most poeple that will tell you this isn't a 1v1 mode to make a point here probs play this as a PvE mode.
  9. How will you reach their mount to use your dismount button?Use your mount, duh. But they are the exact same speed meaning you can never catch up and run away infinitely. So go look for another target you desperate ganker.You know that the exact same will happen, nothing is wrong with wanting to engage in PvP combat in a PvP, stop trying to create a ridiculous stigma lmao. I also only play alone, i never gank poeple. There are no other targets, whenever i try this game again after warclaw every few months it feels dead, zero action. How will you reach their mount to use your dismount button?Use your mount, duh. But they are the exact same speed meaning you can never catch up and run away infinitely. So go look for another target you desperate ganker. Describes it perfectly. Are you one of those PvE casuals you described or smth? "Killing bads bad" isn't a real argument.
  10. How will you reach their mount to use your dismount button?Use your mount, duh.But they are the exact same speed meaning you can never catch up and run away infinitely.
  11. How will you reach their mount to use your dismount button?
  12. These days you can swap with 1 button tbf.
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