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  1. I don't play GW2 because I want to be forced into organized groups. I like the ability to do most of the content on my own, and to do most of the rest with pugs (with whom I will gladly organize and work, including spec/role swapping as needed to ensure balanced groups). I enjoy challenges, but "group with 9 other people" isn't a challenge, it's an irritation. My work schedule is irregular. It changes at least every three months, and not just which days of the week I work. This quarter I'm working afternoon shifts. Next quarter I'll be working overnight. Literally any time is possible. No guild I've ever found supports runs regular groups at all times of day, on all days of the week. If "find a guild/group you can regularly play with" is a requirement for a game, it's a game I literally cannot enjoy. Any group I find will last for at most three months. Volca, if you are right about what they're doing in EoD, it's not a reason for me to get over myself and enjoy it. It's a reason for me to drop this game the same way I dropped WoW.... because to be blunt, if I wanted a game with solid endgame instanced content that requires guilds and organized groups, I'd still be playing that. Your rant here is obviously meant to be inspiring and motivational, but it reads (as so many motivational posters do) like just another ignorant extrovert who thinks their way is the only way and that anyone who disagrees with them is wrong and incompetent... and I have long since grown tired of arrogant players telling me that I have to do things their way, I have to make friends and be social, I have to shut up and deal with it. I enjoy GW2 because of the ability to do so much of it on my own or with just my wife, not because I want to put up with people like you telling me I'm wrong for not being social enough. People like you and this post are what make games into work. But then, maybe it's just time to move on from GW2. It's not like there aren't other good options for games out there. If people like you are the new norm, you're going to ruin this game and make sure the rest of us don't have fun anyways....
  2. 2022, this bug is still happening. After testing, I can confirm that it appears that this happens if you leave WvW while mounting on the Warclaw. Entered and left WvW multiple times, every time I left WvW while on the Warclaw it changed my default in PvE as well. Every time I left while not mounted, my default in PvE was fine.
  3. Just chiming in that I'm still seeing this issue intermittently.
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