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TheComposer.6574's Achievements

  1. This among similar things will never go away. It's far to easy to manipulate matches when the goal being ranks is determined by the team as a whole. I can easily decide to lower anyone's rank if I choose just by afk means or even by not taking the match seriously and goofing off all match throwing it. Not that i do these things obviously just making the point. To be honest, if people keep reporting someone over the course of multiple matches there should be a red flag in the system to at least temp ban a person until it's investigated. People here usually don't report for no reason at all.
  2. Okay, so i got a message from anet about how they deal with reported players in pvp and it was in no way helpful. I was told they handle problem players all at once through a ban wave. This is problematic, and i have some sound reasoning as to why. So you get grouped with the same players, i won't name drop here, but there is a very particular necro who likes to afk and not participate the moment the team loses a team fight. I mean, it could be a 2v2 that gets plussed, he's gonna quit. Instead of rage quitting, he idles, so we in turn lose lose rank points, this happened to me maybe 7 times today. Rank means nothing if you get destroyed by players afking even though everyone reports them. It needs to be handles ASAP, not when you decide to ban salty players and cheaters in droves. Especially in PvP elements of the game.
  3. I would have thought it was an isolated issue, but i've noticed a few people including myself complaining they can't queue up. When you click the button (rank or unranked) nothing happens.
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