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  1. i'm feeling like they took way too damn long to make the expansion. it should have been an expansion every year. imagine the potential, we could've had expansions for lands unexplored in GW1 already.
  2. please destroy tyria so we never have to go back. it's all about factions 2 now. please make it so primordus awaken and destroy tyria pls. cantha is so big, in gw1 we only saw a fraction of it. this is cantha: this is what we experienced in gw1: this forum is so complex to post images im confused https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/2e115f5a-1efe-43a9-b42d-f7b89be65f13/d8afxzx-fb41331f-375d-4988-92b7-1b267660ef8d.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMmUxMTVmNWEtMWVmZS00M2E5LWI0MmQtZjdiODliZTY1ZjEzXC9kOGFmeHp4LWZiNDEzMzFmLTM3NWQtNDk4OC05MmI3LTFiMjY3NjYwZWY4ZC5qcGcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.HBRsQsuI4HqeDDkItlwYn7d-NOnZTYxLrdlbw7Vl9Ls
  3. It's the different style. First, you're not playing in a personalized instant where just you and your party are doing each quest. Second, in GW2 you are basically trained to ignore going and talking to NPCs and just joining in to any event on the minimap. They wanted the actions NPCs did and the events going on be the story and presenting the lore. This is partially why NOW alot of the actual lore is in book objects and achievements or even outside of the game rather than in any dialogue. Also, by keeping the UI small and envisioned as unimportant, it makes players focus on just that what is available, the minimap that shows you where to go next. Which got enhanced even further by the content guide which just guides you to the next piece of content that is active, or not done yet, not caring whether the player wants to go there by attraction through subtler tells, which were envisioned earlier to be the guiding line players should follow.Since this was the basis of GW2, I personally believe they went on a hit and miss, sometimes (especially with PoF at times) forgetting to add the subtleties (probably because of budget?) and had alot of simple events that sometimes seemed much more copypasta than the original GW2 intend is. GW1 presents the story much more traditional and clear cut, where it becomes more deeper much easier, whereas in GW2 creating a believable world, with believable cultures and believeable lore is much harder when it's not straightout spelled it out for the player. In the end I would say why ArenaNet isn't trying something different is because the system isn't made to handle it and making every event make sense and into a memorable story is alot more costly than altering the quest text and having basically the objectives pretty much the same. If Anet can do something entirely different would be to throw the system they have overboard, or to go crazy with it (something crazy like Dynamic events would turn into Dynamic Maps, like in HoT but then over the span of a month going through the different timelines or something crazy like that), But I feel like either of those is really costly, and I haven't seen that innovative courage lately, which probably is for the best if they want to deliver actual content to us, rather than inventing a new wheel. I mean like... most of the people play solo anyways... and living story is totally solo. Nobody even talks on chat, it's always just me going "HELLOOOO" so when you're even with like idk 20 people, it still feels alone, so this whole multiplayer thing definitely did not go well. The maps are still personalized instances but with others... like it's very weird... i feel so lonely in this game even when there's like 20 guys around me. nobody says anything, feels surrounded by bots. i'd be happy if they gave us heroes again that had dialogue, like GW1 EOTN heroes, except voiced.
  4. i played gw1 for story and lore....... and i thought i could do the same thing in gw2. but it fails in that aspect. like idk... the 3 campaigns, factions, nightfall, and prophecies, are waaaaaaaaaaay better than every storyline plot so far in gw2. i just log in i guess when the story's are free like now lol well there's quite a waitfor the living story episodes. i'm not sure why arenanet doesn't try something different. the metas and events all feel the same now. i mean well it's been the same since the beginning. the metal band one was pretty good though. idk. there's not much they can do to make it interesting anymore. they waited too long to bring out cantha. when cantha is released nobody is going to want to go back to tyria because tyria isn't interesting anymore... it's the same environments. it actually looks worse than gw1 lol. i remember maguuma jungle in gw1 was awesome.
  5. That sounds perfect. Thank you. I never thought about how deaf people might feel left out from the community because of this whole "must be on discord or voice chat" thing. I think it's just ridiculous, especially a lot of gamers have social anxiety or play video games to escape reality... I'm one of those who plays video games to escape reality and hearing people's voices on mics... I just lose the entire appeal of playing the game.
  6. I think they should just have different events/event buffs, working in the previous episode areas, and release the episode later on when it's complete, that would work perfectly for us people who just came back to play with the free icebrood saga episodes. or like events to liven up the old areas.
  7. I hate voice chat for video games... every guild I join always wants to use it. I just want to play the game. I don't have a microphone nor do I want to buy one. If there's any guild out there that does raids or strike missions that doesn't force me to use voice chat i'd love to join. I've been playing since the beta, well I took a year break after path of fire, but am back.
  8. lol logged in to say. i was expecting nothing. but that was literally worse than nothing. they hype up an event. and it's literally just a trailer for the next living story arc. it's like the way the game is developed. endless carrots on a stick for what.
  9. Did you miss things like gliding and mounts? I'm talking about the overall experience of the game. Gliding and mounts have made traveling easier, yes. But the end result is, the game is exactly the same, and has the same lack as vanilla did. There hasn't been a significant change in 6 years. Heart events are exactly the same. Meta-events are exactly the same. They are just clones on different maps. Want and need are different things. You may want a new race or think that you want drastic change, and that's fine; however, that doesn't mean that your desires are things that are crucially needed to keep the game alive. As for GvG and "Guild Wars", it was stated way back in the beginning that the game's name was kept for the franchise aspect and not for game-play. Desires/wants is what the community wants and the community is what keeps the game alive. example: look at the outrage at the ridiculous t-shirt promos. we all wanted them but only the US could have them. and thus weeks of outrage. a significant portion of us lost respect for arenanet. I felt bad for europe, because they've been HUGE on guild wars since the beginning. And yeah that is silly, though, why would they do that. It's like naming a game Mario but only feature Luigi.
  10. It honestly should have been possible since the beginning. When we were told we would be able to have player housing, that's what I thought it would be. Like we could craft or buy our own furniture and move them around the house which I thought would be public space. That would have been sick, imagine if there were like army base camps around the world, where players can register to be part of that camp and move and craft equipment and furniture around. Our own personal bunk rooms.
  11. We need a new race bad. Think about it, compare beta or vanilla to where we are now, barely anything has changed. We need a drastic change. This means new race and new weapons. And GvG. It's a joke how the game is called "Guild Wars" but we have no GvG.
  12. guild wars died with guild wars. there aren't even actual guild wars in guild wars 2 lol. one of the worst disappointments in my life. i loved guild wars 1 with a passion. guild wars 2 however... it seems the devs lack the passion they had for guild wars 1. i feel sorry for the voice actors to be honest, they're all quite good, felicia day put her heart and soul into her character, the writing, story, and development of gw2 however... a lot of wasted potential for this world of tyria. i doubt we'll ever see what's on the far north, or the far east, or the mysterious isle of janthir or the dominion of winds . sorcerer's castle. and most of all where is my man razah! livia and razah should be like in the main story, they're like the last living beings that were there when the dragons awoke.
  13. You should see deadeyes if you think mesmers are treated poorly.
  14. Well for once, because people have fun differently.Making everything easy and insta-rewarding is mindless. Quests are mindless because they are purposely made easy.They could have less quests, and make them harder, but then again, can't do that with a community that calls out for nerf if they can't press 1 to win. They don't have to make it super easy, but have it be interesting. The fetch quest is literally just go to point A, point B, point C... It's the stick without the carrot. They could put some effort into make it interesting, like for example, every scale you pick up, your character says something, that would make some players want to do the fetch quest to find out what their character will say. It's interesting. For me, I was ready to do some quests to get the skyscale, but the second I saw this pick up 22 scattered items across the map thing, I closed the game, and that's it for me. I can't support this. I'll wait until the next living story. It's like why am I doing this? my guy is the commander... surely the durmand priory could do this simple task of retrieving broken scales for what reason i'm not even sure, while I work on more important matters.
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