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Green Thumb Gamers.3608

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  1. This is why in GW1 there were separate arenas in pvp and it makes a lot of sense. There were random arenas, team arenas, gvg, HoH, and even hero battles. That's something missing from GW2. Right now spvp is some sort of amalgamate of random arenas and team arenas (lol even hero battles if you count all the bots). It tries to do both and does neither well.
  2. Mechanist for sure, that's obvious. But Specter was annoying because the UI is weird when they go into shroud. I don't know if I'm doing damage? It just becomes two red bars and it's hard to tell if I'm pressuring them or not because there's also barrier involved. It just seems like non-intuitive design that makes it hard to tell if I should burst or back off.
  3. Off season ranked stronghold would be interesting but that could just be because i'm non-sarcastically a fan of stronghold. Like Proverbs said, it's just a matter of variety. PvP has been so static for so long that anything besides conquest for a few weeks is welcome. 8v8 OG GVG should be an off-season ranked format but that's just me speaking from a full dose of mainline copium.
  4. I'm just going to say it: augments are undertuned and would never see play. they provide no boons, no combo finishers, and their reliance on two-factor authentication of jade orb + correct attunement is crippling. I also think that the jade orb being an f5 is not ideal. I think it should be like overload. Because it's unfortunate that the combo field of the orb changes attunements with you. It limits combo potential. It should be like this: I am in water attunement. My f2 is now [deploy jade sphere]> I use the ability to make the field, I switch attunement to fire. The field stays water. F1 is now [Deploy Jade Sphere]. I don't understand the point of recalling the sphere if you lose all energy anyway,
  5. Resmer aka ResBot aka Stompbot http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiwAs6ZlVwAZJsGWJeqS5tOA-zZoOjMlC9qCc8A [&DQctFRc5KB0jDwAAfwEAAIMBAACTEgAAsxIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=]
  6. I didn't even notice the other thread on this topic. But that fact that multiple people are coming to the forums regarding this issue means that it's at least a discussion worth having
  7. Currently the only way to get mounts is to play through the story chapters. On many different groups, forums, and websites, I often see veteran players making the following recommendation to new players who are seeking guidance: "Go to PoF first and get the raptor, and then start the game." Isn't this a but convoluted and immersion-breaking? If an account already has the expacs unlocked, there should just be an npc outside of the starting areas that allows players to unlock the raptor at the very least. Hell, this person should even offer rental raptors so people without them can try them out in that zone only. Just something I was thinking about. What are your thoughts.
  8. I am traited with "Strength of stone" and Superior Rune of The Undead. I should be getting more condition damage based on my toughness. When I use rock barrier my toughness goes up but not my condition damage.
  9. I just want to provide my pvp perspective on chronomancer in regards to this balance update. Ive been trying for weeks to make a chronomancer build that can at least do decent in Gold tier ranked matches. It's been a long process and I finally got something to work. It's not op, it can't carry, but it's fun to play and works just fine, just barely, right now. This patch is about to kill that. You're adding back the self shatter, which isn't even make or break for the Chrono, but then nerfing EVERY SINGLE SHATTER?!?! THE CHANGES TO EACH SHATTER OUTWEIGH THE ADDITION OF THE USER AS A CLONE! Flow of time is losing .5 seconds of alacrity, rewinder is essentially being given an additional 8 seconds to its recharge, no more distortion on continuum split so good luck if I get stunned and waste my most valuable cool down. There is not a single situation where there is a net gain to getting the self-shatter back. This is disappointing because Chrono doesn't even need to be touched. Its already so far removed from the meta that you don't even see people running it. This is just annoying as hell because I finally had some fun coming back into pvp playing my main, and now my already barely viable build is probably even worse off for no reason.
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