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Arricson Krei.9560

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  1. Communities are not defined by arbitrary names of the realm where the community lies. Communities are defined by the people who occupy them. You may not be able to call yourselves "Tarnished Coast", but the people who identify with TC can band together in an alliance and continue playing with each other. Literally everything will be the same if the community of TC forms an intra-alliance (so to say). Who really gives a skritt's Ascalon about some name of a world? Dedicate your Alliance to the world you hold of so dear. People who think these proposed changes are "killing communities" need to get their head straight. Get involved with the players you want to stick around with or get out -- that's why they're giving us ample time to organize ourselves.
  2. I will not spend gems on the RNG mount system. I would spend gems on mounts if and only if I have a 100% chance of getting the mount I want. 2000 gems for the Reforged Warhound is reasonable imo because (1) it adds new visual effects to the engage skill and (2) it's a substantially remodeled (same rig, though, which I don't mind). 400 gems for a reskin and more dye channels is not worth it, especially with the RNG. Mounts are arguably more useful than Gliders. I haven't purchased a glider because I don't use them as much as I do mounts. I am interested in mount skins, but the RNG and somewhat high price outweighs my interest and will to buy skins. 0/10 for the implementation of mount skins.
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