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MudkipLover.3792's Achievements

  1. REALLY looking forward to trying the Catalyst out again! That was literally the only elite spec that I really had any problem with due to how lack luster it felt. Still keeping my fingers cross that you guys are channeling Tetsuya Nomura and being massive trolls about there not being a new playable race xD
  2. Whelp, guess I'll be racing to do everything tomorrow as I'll be spending most of Humpday playing PSO2:NGS xD
  3. TENGU TENGU TENGU TENGU TENGU TENGU TENGU TENGU TENGU TENGU TENGU TENGU TENGU AS A PLAYABLE RACE GOD DAMN IT!!! ..........sorry about that, but I've been wanting them to become a playable race since the initial HoT announcement and the fact that they STILL haven't added any new playable races has been the one and only gripe I've had about this game. The upcoming third expansion is the perfect time to add at least one new race for us to pick in the character creation process and if it still doesn't happen...I might flip all the tables in my house xD
  4. THIS right here is a very good question to ask. Even more so since we now know that there's some kind of higher power that created the Elder Dragons (as evident from Kralki saying, "mother" before he dieded) so once we sort things out with Bangar and his BRILLIANT plan for trying to tame Jormag (I mean WHY DIDN'T CAUDECUS THINK OF THAT, IT'S 100% GONNA WORK WITHOUT THINGS GOING SOUTH FASTER THEN WHEN THE PACT ATTACKED MORDY WITH AIRSHIPS!!! xD), we might have to look into what this means. :D
  5. Jesus Christ, who on the development team thought that having to do all of this stuff just to unlock a new mount was a good idea? At least the Roller Beetle only had like, three collections to do and it didn't really cost that much to finally get it. I'm desk banging so hard right now it's not even funny OTL
  7. I personally want them to get access to shields and they would throw it foes and it would bounce back to them like what happens with Captain America. Maybe even have a monk type approach to it by giving the Thief the ability to attack without having a weapon in their main hand and just use fists.
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