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Muusic.2967's Achievements

  1. Elusive Skirmisher for the shortbow seems to have the same issue, killed 22 consecutive mobs without damage and no achievement.
  2. This is not something I would expect to see changed any time soon. It's a viable build to place a lot of reliance on a full set of minions however for Anet the act of changing them from a maintained illusory buff to actual pets isn't worth the time or headache. For a long time Minionmancers had a strong presence in WvW also but when they changed them to nerf their power it became possible for other players to simply cast a boon changing/removing spell that stripped them of minions 2s into the fight. If they changed them back the snivelometer in WvW would once again be at max.
  3. Just bring back Riccochet, or add it to Deadeye as effective as it was in pistols.
  4. Still bugged 9 months later. still no progress with Treasure Hunter.
  5. Gamers in 1958: "Can someone take this lawn dart out of my foot?" Considering that the "Asteroids" quarter-fed game wasn't released until 1979, I don't think there was a lot of code to change in 1978. Still phreaking into BBS boards had the same whining in 1988: This wardialer is too hard, time to buy another hacked phone pin.
  6. I agree completely with this. I replay the old story sometimes just to remember what LA used to be before becoming the monstrosity it is now. What would be even more amazing is if they incorporated some form of Chrono-portal story line which would allow us to travel back in time and battle Scarlet again in LA, of all the experiences I've had in GW2 my most fond memories are of that point in the game.
  7. I wasn't expecting this much support for my frustrations however thanks everyone for making it clear that this is something that needs to be addressed. I'm not a dev but I know they are clever enough to come up with a solution and hopefully after reading this thread they will have motivation to do so.
  8. The "Playable Area" is in my opinion one of the most frustrating things in the game. I don't step out of bounds that often however it's always just one ill-timed raptor jump away. I think the quality of the game in PS instances especially would be drastically improved if it didn't kick you out after spending 20 minutes of effort just to make you have to start over. When i'm immersed in content the last thing I want to do is be constantly checking my mini map to make sure I don't step over an imaginary line.
  9. Finishing with a sentence is like this hitting the "off" switch to the attention of a dev. The rest of your post was outstanding, I don't know why you inserted it at the end.
  10. This worked for me! Rode to the far right of the instance and jumped over the black swirl thing on the ground and I could progress with the story. I think it's funny that there are probably 100 reports about the "playable area" bug in Storm Tracking but not one of them mentions that during the "Protect Blish" phase there were no mobs spawning to attack him. Either way, "playable area" is a horrible idea for an instance, especially when allowed to mount a Raptor that can jump faster than the map can transition.
  11. SPOILER BELOW: It adds a place to put runestones that drop off various mobs at the bottom of the map.
  12. Mine was bound by default to the "7" key, right next to my heal skill (shrug)
  13. In the LS4 A Star to Guide Us episodes the mobs turn you into a crystal. As a minion Necromancer this means the next 20 seconds are going to be spent recasting all of my minions. I consider it to be a bug when anything can take a player out of commission for almost half a minute by transforming them and removing 90% of their offensive/defensive abilities.
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