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  1. This describes the whole story... 🤣
  2. The story was written by ChatGTP. 🤣
  3. It can get stuck on 98 on the first boss on the platform where mistlock is. Not every time but it has happened a few so far. Also it doesn't happen only in fractals.
  4. How about you fix first that the mech gets stuck on different platforms (eg on fractal 98, 99) and doesn't "Return" unless you recall it first and then spawn it again which wastes a ton of dps. Fix that first and then we can discuss nerfing it based on distance.
  5. Exactly what I said earlier... how can you have a dialogue with these arguments? 🤣
  6. There can't be a debate when half the community thinks that because mech was doing good in open world it should be nerfed in every content, without even considering that in open world there are multiple enemies and piercing. How can you even have a dialogue?
  7. I never said anything about benchmarks on the golem. I am talking about high level instanced content such as Fractals/Strikes/Raids. Also just because you see less players of one class doesn't always mean it's worse to play if you know what you are doing. It sometimes means it's less fun to play for the majority of people. If 50% of the playerbase find mechanist more fun to play even after the nerf, then there is something wrong with the general design of gameplay with all the other classes in gw2.
  8. Soulbeast, Bladesworn and Power Virtuoso? These builds were doing more damage than Power Mechanist even before the 10% nerf. How about you nerf everything to the same level?
  9. It's not that there are 2 buttons. It's that the Eviscerate should be 1 button and the Berserk / Decapitate should be the other button which gameplay-wise would make sense. I had enough fun in Elden Ring with less buttons. You don't need more buttons to make interesting or hard content.
  10. Because they don't know how to make fun gameplay. Also weapon swapping 10 times per second does not make fun content. There are other ways to make hard encounters with less than 10 buttons. This situation is just an example.
  11. Classic arenanet mentality. "Just press buttons lol". And that's why 50% of the players play mech.
  12. Moving a skill to a random different button is a nerf? Noone spoke about damage. This gameplay-wise it's a bad design choice. It proves they never play warrior for more than 1 minute. The berserk skill (decapitate) should be in profession slot 2 and not 1. Or they should let us bind our skills however we want.
  13. For making berserker's gameplay even worse with every update. That's quite an achievement. Now you need to press 2 different buttons to use 1 skill. Does anyone even play warrior over there?
  14. Banners have been useless in most game modes for a while now. They reduced their duration from 90 seconds to 60 seconds. They reduced their stats from 170 to 100. They reduced their effectiveness with the trait "double standards" from +100% to +50% and then removed the effectiveness completely to be used for 10 instead of 5 people just to make them a bit usable in some raids. All these made them useless in 5 people content. And now you need to pick them up again and carry them but they last for less time now. If they revert the previous changes why not revert everything to what it was and admit they were wrong? They somehow manage to keep the worst from all the previous decisions every time... Picking up and placing banners EVERY 60 SECONDS and now having to carry them as well is not fun gameplay.
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