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liberte.9648's Achievements

  1. People really want to reduce the players in ranked, huh?Don't forget that queue times will skyrocket and the rank gap between players matched against each other will be even bigger than now.Adding PvE rewards to ranked helped the mode stay at least somewhat populated. i will gladly wait a few seconds more or minutes instead of playing with brain dead people more like dozens of minutes and even sometimes more than an hourIt was terrible back than and it wouldn't better any better these days. And unless you hard lock the Match maker to only match players at the same rank, you'll have unbalanced matches with Bronze and legends against each other anyway.As I said before a lot of players are or will end up in the wrong rank because of people who would drag them down and a lot of players that are lucky and dont get those guys in their team or actually someone who plays a lot better. thei will carry them to higher ranks and after that he gets matched with same rank guys and guess what..lose because he is in the wrong tier
  2. People really want to reduce the players in ranked, huh?Don't forget that queue times will skyrocket and the rank gap between players matched against each other will be even bigger than now.Adding PvE rewards to ranked helped the mode stay at least somewhat populated. i will gladly wait a few seconds more or minutes instead of playing with brain dead people
  3. I didn't know people still counted in binary, that's apparently 152922 balance patches. it still won't be enough :)
  4. Hello, I know that title sounds a bit harsh but hear me out until the end. For now if people afk/intentional lose or I don't know something else like swearing or flaming they get a few days off from playing the game. And after that what happens ? They come back and do it all again. My suggestions for this would be, a separate report system, like in other 5v5 games out there. This can be applied very well, maybe you got a bad day, or I don't know you are mad about something already from your day, and come across a troll kid or someone who just discovered this mode, and you somehow lose it, and he reports you "bam" banned and he gets nothing in return. And ofc you get banned from all other activities on your account for that. Now thats out of the way, the real problem is the actual toxic players that are not toxic only by flaming/swearing, but intentionally or unintentionally ruining games (low skill players or new comers in rankpvp) I made a similar post a way back about that the amount of time/game/lv to get into ranked pvp its too low (made an account and in 2-3 days made lvl18 on pvp so yea ) and nothing happened I think (don't know for sure if the requirement for rank pvp its still lv 20) .Possible punishments & solutions For flaming/swearing : I think "mute" is the best solution hereFor Afk/Griefing/Trolling/Low-skill : Place them in separate game pool (so that they can't be matched with good/normal players) for a time, just put them fighting one another and ruin each other games, or just restrict their access from ranked games for a while) I'm telling you it will be way more effective as they'll see those rewards there and only for them to don't be able to play until the season ends, plus for not so skilled players they can practice in non-ranked. Matching players only by their rank number its a hugeee mistake in my opinion (add other things to the algorithm like pvp lvl, stats across games, team impact, capping/decapping, offense/defense) because you'll have good players that are dragged down by the players mentioned up. And be put in the same pool with "same rank players" A bonus side-note : REMOVE and I can't stress this enough, REMOVE the objectives for the daily 2g rewards from ranked-pvp. You can try and throw 100101010101011010 balancing packs for the way the game puts players against each other) I guarantee from 10 players 3-4 are in only for that reward(and if they are put in the same team...RIP). and what did that brings to the game ? You guessed unbalanced games.I realize there are a lot of achievements related to ranked pvp ( some of them can be moved without any problem in normal pvp like the daily 2g gold achie). But instead of banning their accounts for a few days, I think restricting their access from this type of game modes is way better (ofc I have nothing against a perma ban for those afk/griefing/(i dont care about your game am in only for the daily achievement type of players). This way maybe they find other things that they like to do in game, and leave pvp for good, and they won't be back after the ban expires and start all over again).I don't consider myself a "better" player I am just telling what I think would be good for the game . ( I have 1.1k games both rank and unrank maybe this was needed to be mentioned, to keep those " what do you know about the actual game typos away"I think nothing will happen this time too. But hey its worth a shot. Thank you
  5. Hello, just a few weeks back I got my 1st legendary item (backpack from pvp) and I did not pay attention to details, but when I got my other 2 from pvp, I noticed they give exactly the same amount of stats, and selected stats as the ascended gear, (with only the possibility to change stats and upgrades, I know the ones from pve looks cool, but good luck wasting 4-5 months or even more on getting them + a tone of raids ) As you well may know acquiring a legendary item is very costly both in gold(or your parents debit card) and time. I mean, those are the end game items, the cherry on top of the cake, you just can't make them give the same amount of stats as a previous grade, I never saw this before anywhere else, I lost interest for going for the other ones, it doesn't matter anyway. "Yea but you look fancier bla bla " Check the skins in gem store, way more beautiful and expressive, for I dare say less amount of gold. The only legendaries that are worth it for now are the weapons(for the looks) but again, same stats as an ascended weapon.They are hard enough to get as it is, make them more rewarding not only in looks (btw the ones from pvp have no visiual effect what so ever). Thanks
  6. Any devs that actually give a damn about this game here? How is it possible to get matched against plat 3, in simple ranked games. Im gold 2 and had gold and silver in my team, this is really out of hand. Do something already
  7. Surely something can be done to fix this, I don't know if my solutions are so viable but its better than nothing . This need to be fixed. End of story, you can't be the biggest mmorpg game in history and let that happen.
  8. Hello, after a few bans for swearing and afk, I see that there will be no changes any time sooner to this mode, in my experience (800+- games) I would say mostly 30-40 of all the games were balanced like you really felt like every point matter, the rest 760 games, you either lose 500-20/30, or win 500-20/30. There is no shuffle between teams and games, just played 3 games in a row with a warrior that just discovered fire (this is the reason I'm making this forum post right now). I don't know what needs to be done to balance them, but aside this problem, the number of people running wrong and weak build its outrageous, some people should never be allowed to choose, one solution would be less build variants and more pvp oriented, or make a report section for people running wrong builds. And problem number 3, pvp rank 20 for ranked games, In my last ban (for afk) I made another account for playing in hope I can gather some gold for the main account (got discovered and banned for "ban evasion") the fact is, in less than 2 days with moderate playing time I managed to obtain pvp rank 12, yea I'll let you do the maths, one solution for this would be higher rank needed for entering ranked pvp, a lot higher, I guess this can be a solution for the 1st problem too, if they play more they'll learn more, in theory sounds good, but people can always disappoint. Wishing you all the best. Im gonna return to loosing games in a row for a while. Cya
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