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Ari.4023's Achievements

  1. Cheaper and better than the Silver Salvage-o-matic... Now anyone who bought the silver one feels cheated yeah? Let us exchange the silver one for this.Got silver back in the day but after a simple calculation it is cheaper to use mystic salvage kits so i'm not even using it, used it very very little. This however, this I would use alot... But having the silver one just sitting in my bank while this better version exists.. FeelsBadMan.
  2. Battle of Khylo, The Trebuchet. Make it deal alot less damage but completely neutralize enemy control points it fires at. It will still knockdown enemies.It will lose life with each shot until it is destroyed, each shot will drain 10% of its max HP.At the start of combat trebs will begin with 30% health, so only 3 shots to start with.Repair kits will restore 50% HP.
  3. Ways to make armor invisible:Best option would be Invisible Dye - any armor part dyed by it will be completely invisible, allowing to make only some pieces of the armor invisible rather than all of it. It would also work for outfits to slash away the pieces you don't want seen. Expect some funny appearances on characters :) Allow hiding all armor pieces rather than currently just helmets, shoulders and gloves. If it hasn't been done yet then it seems Anet is not really willing to do this? But still, if not the invisible dye then at least this. ...Invisible skins for chest and leggings? Already one exists for boots but aquiring it seems like a huge pain. I'd really prefer if you did not go down this route. Better implement one of the above ideas and remove those boots from the game. Reasons to make armor invisible:Top reason: All Charr characters. We can give them beautiful fur and then.. hide it under ugly armor.. Why? Let charr go "naked", they have fur. Reason Two: Tattooed Norns. Enough said. Reason Three: It's about time. Extra: Allow changing the color of undergarments? Should go hand in hand with hiding the armor. You could be cheeky and add this exclusively in the character creation menu via an extra category of "underwear color", we'd accept that. Though we'd prefer if it worked like dying armor...
  4. Remove our shackles and end our enslavement to daily goals. Right now the 10 daily AP are tied to completing daily tasks, with PvP being the fastest one to complete if you are a regular pvper. But it shouldn't be like this, the daily tasks are nice when they give specific rewards for the daily task performed. The 10 AP? Give those on 1 of 2 conditions: Complete daily tasks as now or...Play the game for at least one hour doing anything you want.Whichever is completed first will grant the 10 AP, and so our enslavement to daily goals will end. Another idea.In the LFG window highlight categories that have active parties in them, some of those categories are completely barren because players are too lazy to check everything. It would also be a good idea to add a Festivals category during festivals.
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