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GW Noob.6038

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  1. Would it be possible to have the Fluffy Samoyed Jackal Skin return to the Gem shop? And, if possible, the Jade Tech Visor Skin...? Thank you!
  2. I got the first page but a lot the of the dungeon is inaccessible to me...I just finished the thing in story mode and I'm still in the instance. Do I have to redo this whole thing again?
  3. I already have full sets of berserker, celestial, and trailblazer available for her so I can afford to mess around a bit with the builds. I'll try the GS farmer build first, then try celestial. I have way more fun killing 1,000 trash mobs than one big boss! >.>
  4. Staff is melee, greatsword is ranged...hilarious! Thanks, bro!
  5. I'm not really interested in farming, per se, I just want to do maximal DPS while scooting around the map. It seems like everyone has a different build for that. 😄
  6. I've seen 3-4 different builds, what makes this one special?
  7. I haven't played my Mirage in about 4 years and I want to play her again in open-world events like the HoT metas, world bosses, etc.. I just dusted her off - she's wearing some Trailblazer equips, no runes, a pistol, and a greatsword! I'm not sure wtf is going on there but it ain't looking good! I like to be as mobile as possible when I'm doing these events, so I want to stay away from melee builds if at all possible. Anyways, what do you guy's use for these kinds of events? Post a video, if possible, of your favorite build in action. Thanks in advance!
  8. I'd like to see the Starborn outfit at the Blacklion Trader guy again.
  9. My game is using DirectX 9 (deprecated) atm...how would I switch, or should I switch, to DirectX 11?
  10. As I stated in the OP, I won't be buying anything from the Gemshop...that's how I have dealt with this issue.
  11. They never charge a tax before. I can't imagine the MFing government waiting all these years to start taxing me! Like the other guys said: they changed their payment method and THAT's when it started.
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