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  1. Yeah I meant conquest LOL i like that game mode 😞
  2. I think my biggest gripe is that there isn't really a lot to choose from in the major master traits in inspiration now Like in pvp you're probably just never using focus, you most likely aren't using glamour except maybe portal but even then that's limited I guess you could use ego restoration but it honestly feels so insanely weak to use
  3. Edit: I tested it out and it's not as bad as I initially thought actually. The wording in the game threw me off but it applies through shatters. I think it still has its issues (not being able to apply boons out of combat) and generally I don't think there was a major issue with how alacrity was being applied previously, I think the variety and giving wells/shield more of a purpose was nice.
  4. I don't think you should have directly nerfed conti split in pvp, perhaps just toning down the additional time that Master of Fragmentation provides would have been better, or changing it so it provides something else other than additional time. Conti split is going to feel rougher without that trait now.
  5. [Edit] Wait I just realized this post was from 2019 and suddenly I don't care. Whoever brought this post back; why
  6. It's funny to me that people who play a class come over here and defend it against a vast majority of people who are saying that it does not perform well in some cases and that it needs adjustments. It's like, if you play the class, even if it works for you, why are you against it receiving changes and buffs? Do you not want it to perform better? LMAO And also just the horrible take of "Oh it works for me so it must be fine!" That's great honey, but if a huge amount of people who use it too are finding problems with it then it doesn't really matter if your experience with it is fine.
  7. I'll basically never forgive anet for what they did to Chronomancer, or mesmer for that matter as a whole. Every single change they've provided has just made it worse. Some things were necessary, like the SoI nerf way back so you couldn't just give your party every boon in the game instantly lol. But what they did to SoI now just makes it basically unusable lol I don't like that they make it a point to just take so much away from mesmer as a whole, and provide little compensation. They do this so consistently it's kind of sickening. I'm going to go off on a tangent here that isn't necessarily related to the topic, but it frustrates me additionally. I don't like that they changed mantras in a way that benefitted firebrands but hurt mesmers as a whole. I despise that thieves now have wells that provide alacrity instantly, basically taking what alls well that ends well used to do but it does it better since the original provided more alacrity during the final pulse instead of the first. I hate that chrono basically is just a DPS class now instead of being a boon class. I hate that I can't provide alacrity efficiently when that was the role's main buff originally. It's honestly kitten that they just don't give this class anything and it's basically dead! It's beyond frustrating that they take so much away from it and just give it to some other thing. (And I really don't want to hear how amazing it is raids, please spare me.) I also exceedingly that hate renegade took what chrono did with a single push of a button, as well as mirage being able to do the same. I don't get why it's bad when chrono does it, but every other class it's just fine. Make it make sense anet LOL It's beyond frustrating to see what they've done. I love this class, it's the class I've spent the most time on and I've been around since before HoTs, to see what it's become is so depressing to me. I don't want to play other classes just to feel things. I want to play mesmer how it was, I want to play chrono as it was. Of course not as a boon monster, but as something that provided a cool new boon and quickness. I literally just want it to be a time mage, as the name implies. It doesn't do that anymore. Though I'm basically just screaming into the void, there's nothing that's going to save this class, and it's just going to continue to be hurt with time. It doesn't matter. But even with that in mind, if there is ever a moment I can scream about chronomancer and mesmer being trash, I will.
  8. I wouldn't even be upset if alacrity wasn't a unique effect/boon so long as chrono could provide it just as well as other classes. It's actually just absurd how impossible it is to provide -Time based boons- as a -Time Mage-. I'm not sure why they haven't changed wells for chrono like they did scrapper. (Meanwhile renegade is really out here pushing 1 button and keeping perma alacrity on the party :))) very good design thank you anet) They literally just don't want Chrono to be what it's labeled as. Honestly I don't know what they went Chrono to be. I don't think they want to deal with the elite spec as a whole anymore. It's not meant to have good dps, it's not meant to be utility, it's just not meant to be in the game from the sounds of it lol Chrono wasn't excelling in anything except raids, and even then from what I've heard it was just for speedkills. I'm not even sure why they care about the compositions of raids when they stopped making them all together. It's absolutely infuriating. I love the concept of chrono, and I desperately want to play the elite spec but they obviously don't want anyone touching it. anyway catch me playing alac-mirage since mirage can be a better alacrity provider than chrono now too ahaha
  9. I don't really think build diversity matters that much when more often than not you aren't going to end up using a core class to begin with, in almost any circumstance, outside of not having an elite spec unlocked. (Or in pvp, in some cases.) I would also argue that yeah it does feel like kitten to level a class, but the whole point of it is to learn it, and ultimately go to an elite spec. I literally don't understand this lolI've never heard someone call it a fail in design, because I've never heard anyone complain about not being able to play a base class in FFXIV in all my years. Again, with the way the game is currently built, it's not really reasonable to say that people can go about and play core classes in level 80 content, not in fractals, or raids. Maybe in open world, for sure, but not really anywhere else. Also a lot of the time, at least in pvp/wvw, weapons are changed because of elite specs, and not core classes. More over they could buff/change weapons in general, even if E-Specs were direct upgrades.
  10. I've really wanted to discuss this concept for a long time. I honestly think it's one of the worst ideas that anet has posed, and it's not something that's consistent within all elite specializations, either. Like, there are some specs that just have absolutely no trade-offs to playing them, and others have extremely detrimental ones.(And when I say trade-offs I mean the more detrimental ones, scourge losing shroud isn't really so much a trade-off as it is a mechanic to the elite specialization.) For example, "Trade-off" they gave chronomancer. Removing disotrtion and IP literally just destroyed the class in everything outside of raids, and really ruined the flow to the elite specialization as a whole. I personally don't think that elite specializations need trade-offs, because there shouldn't be a reason for you to want to have to go back to a base class, they should be upgrades to a class that bring in more, and make it more engaging. Elite specializations remind me a lot of jobs in Final Fantasy XIV, where you're given tons of new abilities that really enhance your class as a whole, and you'd never really want to go back to your base class because it's just not an optimal thing to do at that point. You play a bard, not an archer. You play chronomancer, not mesmer. Even if you share similar things, it's still a different thing in my mind all together. I dunno, that's just my thoughts on the matter.
  11. So when can we expect chrono to be reverted, so that it doesn't feel like a clunky disaster?I sure do miss raw shattering, and distortion,And I also would really like it if the devs, or really anyone with power in the Gw2 development team said a single thing about the change as a whole, instead of plugging their ears and ignoring the various chrono players who were unbelievably upset with the change.I know it's been months, but I still feel the need to yell,And I'm sorry if this is a relatively passive aggressive post, but it's really just beyond frustrating that there's been no response, no communication. I want to be able to enjoy and play this class again, and I really just can't. It's extremely unfair.
  12. Yeah, that's the problem though. It's only balanced in Raids, and no where else. LOLI'd rather they made it so we couldn't aegis share than take away distortion all together, it's especially damning in PvP and WvW
  13. I'd like to hear what others feel, but I think I've generally gathered the idea that no one really prefers this change that has played Chrono.
  14. It's been a couple of months since Chronomancer lost IP and Distortion, essentially gutting the spec in most scenarios, and generally killing the playablility of the class itself. It's really frustrating to say the least, not seeing anything regarding said change. I've been watching over the forums, and other places as well, and it's just all been quiet from what I've seen. The devs aren't saying a word about the change, not even as to why they made it. Perhaps it was a trade off to what they're capable of, but I don't think it was the correct one. If you want someone to stop using a class in raids, then nerf its damage. Chronomancer is of course a support class, at least in my eyes. I don't think killing the flow of the spec is a realistic way of trying to force people off of it. (I should say nerfing Chrono's damage isn't the only way you could balance it, it was more so just an example of what could be done to make it fall more in line.) This also begs another question though, regarding gutting classes and the like for the sake of variety in raids, and other content. What happens when the classes you want people to play become too powerful too? Do you intend on doing the same? I just feel like there were better ways of changing chronomancer than literally destroying the spec itself. Maybe it needs a rework like many say, or maybe it just needs to be reverted back to previous incarnations of the spec. Personally, I'd just prefer it if we could get what we had back, so at least the flow of the spec is back to normal. More over, I'd just like to state that the constant changes to classes/specs and the like are not always wanted. It honestly feels like half the time the changes that were made weren't really reasonable ones, at least in my opinion. I think instead of the constant tiny changes it should be taken into more consideration how you want classes to interact with one another, and what you want them to do. I don't think this was the right way to go about it with Chronomancer, because at its current state the spec is very much just dead in anything apart from raids, which is ironic since it feels like the main reason you did this change was to stop them from being so prominent in that area of gameplay, and yet it changed nothing.
  15. Could you potentially make angel wings that look like "Hawk Wings Backpack"? I feel like their proportions are more proper, and it looks less like a feather cape and more like actual wings. Thanks.
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